Ahmad Mahfouz

Random notes

Month: July 2016

Linux Performance Co-Pilot with WebUI

Performance Co-Pilot allow sysadmins to collect and measure data from various systems, it comes in RPM packages for Red Hat 6 to 7 website http://pcp.io/ installing Performance CO-Pilot

pcp  packages comes with different services pmcd,pmlogger  pmcd  : performance metrics collector daemon

pcp packages come with many commands to gather information about the machine like

Facebook Mass Invite to Like script

today I wrote  a script to help in sending an invitation to like your page this happens when you promote a post for your audience and they interact with your post but they forget to like your page so this script will help you to mass invite them in once 1 – click on the

Docker Persistent Storage for MySQL Server and SELinux

hello everyone today we will make MySQL Docker Container with Shared Storage first let’s pull latest MySQL  version of docker

after we did download the latest image this image come in handy with some awesome parameters MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD MYSQL_DATABASE with this  parameters, we can create a database and set root password for mysql now let’s create a

IPtables PREROUTING, POSTROUTING for mixed interfaces via DNAT & SNAT

hello world, let’s hit the point directly 1 – we have traffic coming from Source IP to our box and we need to Route it to another destination ( traffic forwarding ) 2- we have traffic coming from Source IP to our box and we need to Route it to another destination ( traffic forwarding )