Ahmad Mahfouz

Random notes

Author: Ahmad


time to play

let’s read what it says

first function catcher  and it trigger the suid  and drop the bash nice  this is what we want


after login to the ssh server levels located on /levels so let’s play  level1

as u notice it had suid permeation  -r-sr-x— for level2  so it will lead us to a user (level2 )

I entered any test number and it leads me with no respond 😀 crazy huh! so I decided to look

NGINX forward visitor real ip to apache

let’s assume u have NGINX on port 80 apache on port 8080   in nginx config -> sever config -> virtualhost config


Files Encrypt with GPG

GPG = Gnu Privacy Guard To secure file from unauthorised access with the password in Linux/Unix is very simple method 🙂 lets assume we have a secure file with some financials stuff called orders.xls and we want to email it to our partners  and we  want to get sure just he is the only one

Script : MySQL Create Database UTF-8 with user and password

we do  create many  databases every day and i love UTF-8 data formate so i decided to make  something simple and save my time here is the syntax to create a database called unixawy in utf8

to add a user for unixawy with password unixawysecret

also, i made a simple script to save my

Rest MySQL root password

we all hate this ERROR 1045 (28000): the problem starts with  “you can’t access and u will not be able to change the MySQL/MariaDB password while the service is running u have to disable it and run mysqld_safe which will allow u to update the user table inside MySQL database with no password then u will

Hello world!

Welcome to UNIXAWY. This is my first post. I made the blog to save someone time as someone saved my time 😉