Category: Linux
RedHat Packaging Security with yum
RedHat comes with a mitigated package called RHSA (RedHat security advisory) This RHSA comes with a unique id like CVE Contain the date of fix and these type packages come for the applications that shipped from RedHat Example RHSA-2015:0291 For listing available updates for application
For quick installation to security batches
Convert VirtualBox HardDisk To VMware
hello in this article we will simply convert vhd file (VirtualBox disk image) to VMware disk our VirtualBox disk is “systemdisk.vhd” we will use qemu emulator to convert the disk our target app to do the convert is qemu-img
IPTABLES redirect all ports to one port
hello this iptables rule to redirect all incoming traffic from all ports to one port example 80 on ip
RedHat / Centos Repository you must have
RedHat and centos come with the default repo so you have to install additional repos to get all your software from yum epel ius remi rpmfroge
enjoy this list for 64bit system centos 7 u can customise the links as you got the link
NGINX forward visitor real ip to apache
let’s assume u have NGINX on port 80 apache on port 8080 in nginx config -> sever config -> virtualhost config
Files Encrypt with GPG
GPG = Gnu Privacy Guard To secure file from unauthorised access with the password in Linux/Unix is very simple method lets assume we have a secure file with some financials stuff called orders.xls and we want to email it to our partners and we want to get sure just he is the only one
Rest MySQL root password
we all hate this ERROR 1045 (28000): the problem starts with “you can’t access and u will not be able to change the MySQL/MariaDB password while the service is running u have to disable it and run mysqld_safe which will allow u to update the user table inside MySQL database with no password then u will