Category: Python
Python Progress Bar
simple standalone bar u can implement it on your code it will show a progress bar of items range
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from time import sleep import sys for i in range(21): sys.stdout.write('\r') # the exact output you're looking for: sys.stdout.write("[%-20s] %d%%" % ('='*i, 5*i)) sys.stdout.flush() sleep(0.25) |
Duplicate File Finder By MD5SUM
Hello this is a simple script to find the duplicated files by md5sum so if u have 2 files with the same content but with different names, u still can catch them
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#duplicate file finder by file md5sum #author N1X import sys import os import subprocess from os.path import join, abspath from os import walk from time import sleep try: sys.argv[1] except IndexError: print "usage: python /full/path/to/dir/" sys.exit() fileList = {} targetdir = sys.argv[1] totalfiles = 0 devnull = open('/dev/null', 'w') print "#" * 20 print '#' * 5 , 'Scan Start on :' , targetdir print '#' * 20 print 'Total Founded:' for root, dirs, files in os.walk(targetdir, topdown=True, onerror=None, followlinks=False): totalfiles += len(files) for file in files: file = abspath(join(root, file)) cmd = 'md5sum "%s"' % file sum = subprocess.Popen(cmd , stderr=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) sum = sum.communicate()[0] print sum sum = sum.split() try: sum[0] except IndexError: continue sum = sum[0] if fileList.has_key(sum): fileList[sum].append(file) else: fileList[sum] = [file] print '\r%s'%totalfiles, sys.stdout.flush() sleep(0.5) for key in fileList.keys(): if len(fileList[key]) > 1 : print "\n" print "Total Duplicate for checksum[%s] is : %s)" %(key,len(fileList[key])) i=0 for dub in fileList[key]: i = i + 1 print i,":" ,dub,"if you want to delete this file pres y" action = raw_input('--> ') if action == "y": os.remove(dub) |
TrueCrypt Password bruteforce
hello, guys, this script will simply mount the container with the password form the given password list
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#!/usr/bin/env python #TrueCrypt Crack Passowrd Based In Dic Attack #Author : N1X import subprocess import sys file = open(sys.argv[2]) passlist=file.readlines() for password in passlist: print password.strip() command = "truecrypt -t --non-interactive %s -p %s" %(sys.argv[1],password.strip()) p = subprocess.Popen(command,shell=True,stderr=subprocess.PIPE) r = if r.startswith('Error'): pass else: print "Found Passowrd is :" + password exit() |
Django Notes
ORM Notes
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objects.all() objects.all().count() objects.filter(published=True).count() objects.filter(published=True).exists() objects.filter(published=True)[:2] objects.filter(published=True).values('title','created')[:2] objects.filter(published=True).order_by('created') objects.filter(published=True).order_by('-created') objects.filter(published=True, created__gt=datetime(2011,05,01)) objects.filter(published=True, created__lt=datetime(2011,05,01)) objects.filter(published=True, created__lt=datetime(2011,05,01)).count() objects.filter(published=True, created__lt=datetime(2011,05,01)).order_by('id') objects.filter(published=True, created__year=2011.order_by('id') objects.filter(published=True, created__month=5, created__year=2011.order_by('id') |
Automatic flight ticket script
python script to demonstrate the splinter library this script keep searching till finding a ticket and book it 🙂 rest and wait your reservation number
Bitcoin Speech Price Tracker
simple python script to bitcoin price speech is the target price reached it takes argument 1 as a target price simple but still useful to monitor bitcoin price via speech
underc0de 3 WalkThrough
loaded the virtual machine and run netdiscover to get the machine IP
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oot@n1x:~# netdiscover Currently scanning: | Screen View: Unique Hosts 4 Captured ARP Req/Rep packets, from 4 hosts. Total size: 240 _____________________________________________________________________________ IP At MAC Address Count Len MAC Vendor ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- e8:94:f6:5d:c6:3b 01 060 Unknown vendor 00:18:fe:6d:61:27 01 060 Hewlett Packard 6c:40:08:98:68:d4 01 060 Unknown vendor 00:0c:29:fb:62:53 01 060 VMware, Inc. |
x.112 is the target so let’s see what ports available
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root@n1x:~# nmap -sSV -p1-9999 Starting Nmap 6.47 ( ) at 2014-12-01 02:49 EST Nmap scan report for Host is up (0.00019s latency). Not shown: 9996 closed ports PORT STATE SERVICE VERSION 22/tcp open ssh OpenSSH 6.0p1 Debian 4+deb7u2 (protocol 2.0) 25/tcp open smtp Postfix smtpd 80/tcp open http Apache httpd 2.2.22 ((Debian)) MAC Address: 00:0C:29:FB:62:53 (VMware) Service Info: Host: Underdist; OS: Linux; CPE: cpe:/o:linux:linux_kernel |
apache is on 😀 so let’s brute-force the directory in the server
Script : MySQL Create Database UTF-8 with user and password
we do create many databases every day and i love UTF-8 data formate so i decided to make something simple and save my time here is the syntax to create a database called unixawy in utf8
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CREATE DATABASE `unixawy` CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci; |
to add a user for unixawy with password unixawysecret
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GRANT ALL ON `test1`.* TO 'unixawy'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'unixawysecret'; FLUSH PRIVILEGES; |
also, i made a simple script to save my