Ahmad Mahfouz

Random notes

Category: Uncategorized

Jump between domains – Enterprise Admins Golden Ticket

How to take over all the domains. But let’s add a quick recap first. To build an active directory domain, you start with a root domain, for example, UNIXAWY.CORP, which is the root domain/company, then you start a new branch or merge and acquisition a new company, then you want to extend your network for

Shellcode validation via C pointer

C snippet to test the shellcode replace your shellcode with your custom payload  

phpMyAdmin error #1146

#1146 – Table ‘phpmyadmin.pma_tracking’ doesn’t exist   this error indicates that phpmyadmin pages failed in setup  and you just ignored it in the setup process you need to reconfigure the package again  

  after you follow the reinstall steps it will setup the missing sql files for pma tables  

Regex to find mac address

today i was doing some forensics to find mac address inside syslog in linux systems i wrote this simple grep command to filter mac address from log files grep ‘[0-9a-zAz]\{2\}:[0-9a-zAz]\{2\}:[0-9a-zAz]\{2\}:[0-9a-zAz]\{2\}:[0-9a-zAz]\{2\}:[0-9a-zAz]\{2\}’     have fun

find duplicated UID in the linux system

u can identify the duplicated uid in your system this useful to identify if there some manipulation inside the users’ accounts getent passwd|cut -d : -f3 |sort -n|uniq -d it only returns the duplicated uid btw: if it returns 0 😀 you know the rest

underc0de 3 WalkThrough

loaded the virtual machine and run netdiscover to get the machine IP

x.112 is  the target   so let’s see what ports available

apache is on 😀 so let’s brute-force the directory in the server

Hello world!

Welcome to UNIXAWY. This is my first post. I made the blog to save someone time as someone saved my time 😉