Ahmad Mahfouz

Random notes

Category: Web

Facebook Mass Invite to Like script

today I wrote  a script to help in sending an invitation to like your page this happens when you promote a post for your audience and they interact with your post but they forget to like your page so this script will help you to mass invite them in once 1 – click on the

Automatic flight ticket script

python script  to demonstrate  the splinter library this script keep searching till finding a ticket and book it  🙂 rest and wait your reservation number

underc0de 3 WalkThrough

loaded the virtual machine and run netdiscover to get the machine IP

x.112 is  the target   so let’s see what ports available

apache is on 😀 so let’s brute-force the directory in the server

NGINX forward visitor real ip to apache

let’s assume u have NGINX on port 80 apache on port 8080   in nginx config -> sever config -> virtualhost config