ORM Notes
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 |
objects.all() objects.all().count() objects.filter(published=True).count() objects.filter(published=True).exists() objects.filter(published=True)[:2] objects.filter(published=True).values('title','created')[:2] objects.filter(published=True).order_by('created') objects.filter(published=True).order_by('-created') objects.filter(published=True, created__gt=datetime(2011,05,01)) objects.filter(published=True, created__lt=datetime(2011,05,01)) objects.filter(published=True, created__lt=datetime(2011,05,01)).count() objects.filter(published=True, created__lt=datetime(2011,05,01)).order_by('id') objects.filter(published=True, created__year=2011.order_by('id') objects.filter(published=True, created__month=5, created__year=2011.order_by('id') |
Print query
1 |
str(objects.filter(published=True, created__year=2011.order_by('id').query())) |
Custom Query
1 2 3 4 5 |
objects.extra(select={'now':NOW()}).values('now') objects.exta(select={'count':'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM table_name }).values('count') objects.extra(where=['id=%s']),params=['3']) Note = params prevent from sql injections |
1 |
objects.raw('SELECT * from table_name')[0].id |
deep SQL
1 2 3 4 5 |
from django.db import connection cursor = connection.cursor() cursor.execute("SELECT * FROM tablename) print cursor.fetchone() print cursor.fetchall() |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 |
1 = post_save 2 = request_finshed finshed single """ handlers.py def request_finshed(sender,**kwargs): print "finshed",kwargs { form app import handelrs #import the handlers file models.py from django.core.signals import request_finshed request_finshed.connect(handlers,request_finshed) ## connect to handler } |
model saved signal
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 |
handlers.py def model_saved(sender,**kwargs): print "Saved", kwargs models.py from django.core.signals import post_save post_save.connect(handler,model_saved , sender=Model) |
Custom Signal
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signals.py from django.dispatcher import signal signal_name = signal(providing_args['argname']) import custom signal in the views.py from appname import signals signals.signalname.send(sender=ContactForm ,email=email) import it in the model from appname.signal import signalname signalname.connect(handlers,signalname) |
add it to installed apps and middleware apps
set session
1 2 3 |
requst.session['session_vairable_name'] = True check_session_exisit = request.session.get('session_vairable_name',False) |
flat pages
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settings.py make sure it installed app and middle ware then syncdb :) add pages from admin panel create template inside templates/flatpages/default.html {{ block content }} {{ flatpage.content }} {{ endblock }} by default u get free route setup custom route for flatpages with name to reuse it in the template url(r'^about/$' ,'django.contrib.flatpages.views.flatpage' , kwargs('url': '/about/') , name="about_page") |
in admin panel set the template path in advanced options
User Authentication
settings file
get sure of
installed app
context processor
1 2 |
LOGIN_REDIRECT_URL = '/profile/' LOGIN_URL = '/login/' |
URLs for login
1 2 3 4 5 6 |
from django.contrib.auth.views import login,logout url(r'profile/$','profile', name='homepage_profile') url(r'login/$', login ,kwargs {'template_name': 'homepage/login.html', name='homepage_login'}) url(r'login/$', logout ', kwargs {'next_page': '/'}, name='homepage_login'}) |
protect action in views
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 |
from django.contrib.auth.decorates import login_required @login_required *template {{ user }} # prints username { % if user.is_authenticated % } |
create app called accounts
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create app called accounts creat init file inside the app with auth module creat backends.py from django.contrib.auth.backends import ModelBackend creat class inherit from modelbackend class MyModelBackend(ModelBackend) def authinticate(self,username None ,password None,) |