Ahmad Mahfouz

Random notes

Linux Performance Co-Pilot with WebUI

Performance Co-Pilot allow sysadmins to collect and measure data from various systems, it comes in RPM packages for Red Hat 6 to 7

website http://pcp.io/

installing Performance CO-Pilot

pcp  packages comes with different services pmcd,pmlogger 

pmcd  : performance metrics collector daemon

pcp packages come with many commands to gather information about the machine like pmatop, pmstat, pminfo,  pmval

pmatop one of my favourite tool as it gives you a big picture

it shows information about disk , memory, cpu , network , process , swap , lvm


Screen Shot 2016-07-23 at 1.23.04 PM

pmstat   it show loadavg, memory ,  swap , io , system , cpu come with -s ( sample counter [how many times it should collect this data ] ) and -t for the time interval

pminfo command to list all available metrics

lets use metrics called network.interface.in.bytes to see how many bytes we receive in our interface

let’s start pmlogger

the pmlogger service will save the log archievs into /var/log/pcp/pmlogger/[hostname]/date-day

we can use pmval with parameter -a to tell it to use this archive and set the matrix

we can assign specified start and end time for pmval

-S start time, -T end time

with  ISO-formatted date example -S  ‘@ Wed Feb 25 05:01:00 2016’ -T ‘@ Wed Feb 25 06:01:00 2016’

this will query 2 hours from 5am Feb 25 2016 TO 7am Feb 25 2016 with the metrics  you like

not the fun part pcp offer a web real-time monitor in different flavours and styles one of my best is called vector.

first we need to install and run the pcp web service

check which port this service use

access to localhost:44323/vector

it shows nice metrics of disk IOPS, Throughputs, Network Packets and more


happy debugging folks

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