Python Progress Bar

Categories: Python

simple standalone bar u can implement it on your code it will show a progress bar of items range


Duplicate File Finder By MD5SUM

Categories: Python, Security

Hello this is a simple script to find the duplicated files by md5sum so if u have 2 files with the same content  but with different   names, u still can catch them

TrueCrypt Password bruteforce

Categories: Python, Security

hello, guys, this  script will simply mount the container with the password form the given password list


Django Notes

Categories: Python

ORM Notes

Automatic flight ticket script

Categories: Python, Web

python script  to demonstrate  the splinter library this script keep searching till finding a ticket and book it  🙂 rest and wait your reservation number

Bitcoin Speech Price Tracker

Categories: Python

simple python script to bitcoin price speech is the target price reached it takes argument 1 as a target price simple but still useful to monitor bitcoin price via speech  


Categories: Security, tech

still smashing 😀

echo one 😀 let’s see the source code


Categories: Linux, Security, tech

level 4 😀

so i will read the code

popen to execute whoami

underc0de 3 WalkThrough

Categories: Python, Security, tech, Uncategorized, Web

loaded the virtual machine and run netdiscover to get the machine IP

x.112 is  the target   so let’s see what ports available

apache is on 😀 so let’s brute-force the directory in the server


Categories: Security, tech

pretty good level I learned a few new stuff so lets hit the game

fighting with the app till it crashes and hell yeah we start from fault 😀 so we need to see what’s going on