we all hate this ERROR 1045 (28000):
the problem starts with “you can’t access and u will not be able to change the MySQL/MariaDB password while the service is running u have to disable it and run mysqld_safe which will allow u to update the user table inside MySQL database with no password then u will be able to run MySQL/MariaDB again with the new password”
First Solution
1 – service mysqld stop
2 – mysqld_safe –skip-grant-tables
3 – run mysql command it will let u in without password
4 – now u will be able to update the user table
apply this code inside mysql shell
1 2 3 4 |
mysql> USER mysql; mysql> UPDATE user set password=PASSWORD("UNIXAWY") where User='root'; mysql> flush privileges; mysql> quit |
the new root password will be UNIXAWY
5 – killall mysqld
6- service mysqld start
Second Solution
1- create file restmysqlpwd.txt
2 – insert this code inside
1 2 |
3 – service mysqld stop
4 – mysqld_safe –init-file restmysqlpwd.txt
5- killall mysqld
6 – service mysqld start