Ahmad Mahfouz

Random notes

Run MySQL Cluster Multi Masters For High Availability

Hello Folks, it’s has been a while I didn’t write new articles,

it’s has been a while I didn’t write new articles, so time to give back to the community, I will describe how to implement MySQL cluster for high-availability and disturbed workload

MySQL Cluster Architect comes with new process ndbd and ndb_mgmd

ndb is used to handle all data and table using the NDB Cluster Engine

ndbmtd multi-threaded data  handler in NDB Cluster Engine

ndb_mgmd is the Cluster Management Server Daemon responsible for distributing the configuration and log around the cluster

in this setup, we will use 4 servers to distribute MySQL service cluster process

Group Beta

  •  ndbd
  • ndbd

Group Alpha

  • mysqld & ndb_mgmd
  • mysql & ndb_mgmd

our applications will communicate to load balance that distributes the workload  to Alpha Group

to begin setup we have to download MySQL cluster manager package from Oracle website https://edelivery.oracle.com/osdc/faces/Home.jspx feel free to create your account

pickup your platform and download the package for I use the Cluster+Generic Linux x86 (64bit) version

download and extract the package  in all nodes

inside the mcm1.4.3 folder  is a bin folder  has 2 files mcm and mcmd the client and the demon for the cluster manager

we need to run mcmd in all nodes so they can communicate to each other

lets setup out cluster first we need to create a site ( all nodes we need to group it in a site )

now lets run the client add the site  MySQL Cluster Manager Interface

mcm client


second, we need to load the cluster package in the site we created


now let’s define the roles for the node who plays what  & plays data role &  mysqld & cluster management

now run the cluster and check the services status

confirm the roles for each host upon your design

now we want to communicate with out lovely cluster

as we built 2 servers with mysqld they are up and running under node id 51,52

by default, mysql cluster will not sync the mysql.user table as it running in MyISM and for that, we need to enable a MySQL routine that sync the users over the cluster

to do that first login to mysqld nodes as a root and import distribute MySQL privileges routine .sql

now create your remote account and it will be synced over the cluster

Now feel free to scale up alpha or beta to any number you want also you can create nodes mixed of alpha and beta.

and keep your eyes on the nodes

to add a new node to our cluster we load the mcm package in the node and the demon

mcm> add package -b /home/ec2-user/mcm/cluster -h 7_6_8;


as it clear our new node is in the sites but didn’t join the cluster yet because he has no rule to add it  and after that, we need to start the role inside the cluster so nodes can collaborate and sync

now adding extra node and load more database data store on

checking our cluster status

to run added processes  on target cluster we use start process -a mycluster

now everything should be steady for our cluster

now let’s change all ndbd to multi-threaded version

all our data engine now running multi-threaded version


Happy Hits 😀

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