Ahmad Mahfouz

Random notes

SSH Tunnelling

the most famous method is using D parameter in ssh connection to bind a port local in your machine and this port tunnel back to our remote box
to send our traffic to this server


then you can configure your application and browser to use your local IP with the port 1337 to send traffic to the remote server

this is the traditional tunnelling way

let’s make a bigger scenario

let’s assume that we have access to the box with 2 interfaces
first interface with public IP and the second one with internal private LAN

the public IP 41.x.x.x
the private LAN IP

inside the private LAN machine with IP and running ssh service and we want to connect to this machine
its impossible to connect to it from outside without tunnelling

let’s do some tunnel magic

from our box to the remote box we will do ssh
OUR BOX ==SSH==> 41.x.x.x
inside the remote box, we will tunnel back to our machine

this will open port 1337 in the OUR BOX this port redirect to machine in port 22


this ssh connection will lead u to the

sometimes you may need to skip ssh host verification as you connect to your local machine via this ssh option parameters UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no

also, this method could be used to bind to your internal ip to send ssh server back to better administration with vim also it possible to forward X via this tunnelling method


example scenario

our client don’t have public IP and writing commands in TeamViewer is an unusable thing

so we ask our client to connect back to our machine

after client log in inside our machine we can connect to our client ssh via


Happy Tunnelling


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